Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Raw Milk Cheese

Aside from being simply delicious, there are many reasons why you may want to swap out your processed (pasteurized) cheese for Raw Milk cheese. A lot of people are making the switch from processed cheese to raw cheese once they realize the many ways raw milk cheese can benefit their health. Many countries around the world have always treasured and preferred raw cheese over processed. Let’s talk about what makes raw cheese your top choice.

Benefits of Eating Raw Milk Cheese

If you are excited to add RAW FARM’s raw cheddar cheese to your diet, here are a few benefits to consider:

1. There are no additives or preservatives; it’s all natural.

Our raw milk cheese is exactly that – raw. It has not been pasteurized, homogenized, or otherwise processed. The milk comes from our very own seasonally grass-grazed cows. This milk is so precious, we would NEVER add any additives, preservatives, food colorings, or synthetic hormones. You’re getting fresh, natural cheese made the traditional way from four simple ingredients: whole raw milk, vegetable rennet, cultures, and kosher sea salt. You can feel comfortable knowing exactly what you’re eating. Plus, we have a special, naturally flavored Raw Jalapeño Cheddar, too!

2. Raw milk cheese contains healthy, 100% bioavailable nutrients.

Raw cheese is a valuable source of dairy, just one ounce contains 20% of your recommended daily intake of calcium. It also contains vitamins A, B, D, E, and K which are an important part of a healthy diet. Raw cheese is loaded with body-building “complete” proteins, meaning these proteins provide all nine essential amino acids.

Made with Whole Raw Milk, each block is packed with bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, naturally occurring CLA, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Raw Cheddar's ease of digestibility gives those who experience discomfort with processed cheese products a delicious and natural option.

Let’s talk about fat! Our raw cheeses are only made from whole, full-fat raw milk from our very own cows. Healthy fat found naturally in milk plays a critical role in the body’s ability to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, like A, D, E, and K. Without healthy fat, these important vitamins are not fully absorbed.

3. It is not pasteurized, so good bacteria remain intact.

We believe in keeping our products TRULY raw, which involves never heating above 102° F. Many other so-called “raw” cheese are actually heated to temperatures just under the legal pasteurized temperature of 161° F, which denatures proteins, and enzymes, and kills beneficial bacteria that aid in the digestion of dairy. RAW FARM raw cheese is only made from milk that has passed our advanced test and hold protocol.

4. It has a smooth texture and delicious flavor.

Another reason to eat our raw cheddar cheese? Some people find it has a more developed and delectable flavor, which reflects the cows’ diet profile. Our cheese is aged for a minimum of 60 days in its natural state; without additives, or preservatives, to allow all of the natural flavors shine through. We NEVER add food colorings, like many cheddar cheese manufacturers do to make the cheese more “yellow”. This allows the natural color of our cheese to show, and it changes by the season. You can also enjoy our raw cheddar cheese that has been flavored with fresh ingredients such as jalapeño to give it a richer taste.

5. Raw milk cheese fits within many healthy diet plans.

Did you know that RAW FARM’s raw milk cheese is paleo and keto-friendly? It is high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carb, making it an ideal choice. It is also raw, non-GMO, and gluten-free! You can feel good about adding our cheese to your favorite recipes or grabbing some as part of a quick healthy snack. Don’t deprive yourself of this delicious source of dairy and protein when figuring out your meal plans.

The next time you’re at the store, grab a bag or block of raw cheddar cheese instead and give it a try! You can use it in all of your favorite recipes or enjoy it by itself as a delicious snack. Once you taste RAW FARM’s raw milk cheese, you’ll be spoiled. Make raw cheese a staple in your diet and enjoy all the potential health benefits that come with it.


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