Throughout history, the tradition of making the world’s greatest and most delicious cheese is made using artisan techniques from raw whole milk. Using raw (unpasteurized) milk brings out the full array of well-defined flavors and aromatics. The depth of complexity, and the unmistakable unique flavor and quality is found best in raw cheeses. When milk is cooked or pasteurized, many naturally occurring enzymes and diverse bacteria are destroyed or denatured, and therefore the cheese loses its important flavor-building foundation. Continue reading to find out how we make our delicious and nutritious Raw Cheddar Cheese from whole raw cow’s milk!


At RAW FARM, we believe in keeping our products TRULY raw, which involves never heating above 102° F. We use only premium-grade Whole Raw milk when making our cheese. This is how we make our cheese: milk from our happy cows is put in a special cheese vat, simply warmed to 102 degrees for optimal culturing, and then artisan-crafted using these simple ingredients: Vegetable Rennet, Cultures, and Kosher Salt. That’s it! This young cheese is aged at the perfect temperature in our cheese aging room for a minimum of 60 days.

The debate between raw vs. pasteurized milk has been the coin toss for decades on health benefits, food safety, and taste. The great news is that our company is doing it the traditional way, not compromising taste, food safety, or the wide variety of health benefits of raw milk

All of the RAW FARM’S raw cheese products are thoughtfully crafted from grass to table. Watch out for other so-called “raw” cheese brands. Many are actually heated to temperatures just under the legal pasteurized temperature of 161° F, which denatures proteins, and enzymes, and kills beneficial bacteria that aid in the digestion of dairy. Under our Test & Hold Protocol, we test for pathogens.  We have a wonderful food safety program you can read about here.

Artisan Style, Delicious Taste

RAW FARM has been selling high-quality, raw dairy products for over two decades now (since 1998) ! Our cheese made from raw milk has aged a minimum of 60 days and is truly traditional, artisan raw cheddar. Made with Whole Raw Milk from cows that graze on lush pasture, seasonally each block of RAW FARM raw cheese is packed with bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, naturally occurring CLA, and Omega-3 fatty acids. The ease of digestibility of Raw Cheddar gives those that experience discomfort with processed cheese products, a delicious and natural option. No coloring is ever added.


Consistent and Safe

RAW FARM makes one kind of healthy raw milk cheese: raw cheddar. Our TRULY raw cheese is available in multiple different sizes, flavors, and packages, but it’s consistently the same awesome cheese every time.  We are committed to raw, unpasteurized cheese at a different and higher quality level than any other producer. RAW FARM Raw Cheddar ingredients are unmatched. 

RAW FARM is one of the few creameries that uses only Grade A, kosher, certified Humane, Non-GMO Project Verified, certified Validus, local, farmstead, grass-grazed, raw for human consumption whole milk as its number one ingredient. 

RAW FARM Raw Milk is the safest and highest quality raw milk on the market! We then take that same safe raw milk and make it into cheese for the entire nation to enjoy.

Superior Flavor and Texture

If you have tried RAW FARM Raw Cheddar you know about the delicious flavor and smooth texture and recognize the slight fluctuations in a color that are a result of being crafted by traditional artisans. RAW FARM Raw Cheddar is versatile and can be used for a multitude of breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes, a tasty after-school snack, or a flavor enhancer with a slice of apple or other fruit.  No other cheese made from raw milk in our price range can affordably meet your needs in such versatile ways.

Natural Color

Raw butter, cheese and milk from grass grazed cows all have a beautiful natural yellow color.  The more grass a cow consumes, the higher the Omega 3 CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) content, and the yellower the butterfat.  Therefore milk from seasonally grass-grazed cows makes much yellow cheese than CAFO (? confined area farm?) milk does. To produce the unnatural colors seen in the dairy case CAFO farmers and producers add annatto (food coloring) to their cheese for marketing reasons. RAW FARM is proud to provide "Vermont-style" raw cheddar cheese with its beautiful and natural color.

Minimum Ingredients

We are proud to have only 4 ingredients in RAW FARM Raw Cheddar : raw milk, vegetable rennet (Wisconsin), cultures (Wisconsin), kosher sea salt (Washington).  This commitment to only natural ingredients is most noticeable with RAW FARM Shredded Raw Cheddar.  The vast majority of other cheese producers add an anti-caking ingredient (cellulose) and a preservative (natamycin).  RAW FARM doesn’t use either. We believe the choice between slight clumping of the shredded pieces versus adding wood filler is an easy one.  100% of our ingredients and packaging are made in the USA.  Our labels are made in California, our shredded cheese bags are from Utah, our milk is from our own dairy in Fresno, California, and our vacuum pouches and boxes are USA made. We never compromise, never use low-quality ingredients and we never compromise on quality.


As you can see, this Organic Shredded Mexican-Style Cheese has an added coloring agent (annatto) and cellulose to prevent caking. RAW FARM Shredded Raw Cheddar has only (4) simple ingredients: whole raw milk, vegetable rennet, cultures, and kosher sea salt. No cellulose or natamycin added. Certified Non-GMO. Because our shredded raw cheddar has no additives, it is extremely creamy and delicious. It melts in your mouth!

Complete Compliance

The RAW FARM production team recently completed training for the new FDA standards under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This provided the knowledge to make the necessary modifications and remain compliant with the new and increased federal requirements for Process Preventive Controls and to maintain our FDA legal status.


We are proud to offer over 9 raw cheddar cheese options available in multiple different sizes, flavors, and packages: 8oz servings, 16oz servings, and BULK items exclusively available at our farm store and farmers markets. Our (2) flavors of Raw Cheddar include: Original and delicious Jalapeño Raw Cheddar (with organic chili powder jalapeño and air-dried green jalapeño chili peppers). We carry a block and shredded option of each, available in Sprouts stores across the country.



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FREEZING TIP: when you have extra raw milk


New to raw dairy: here ARE the things YOU need to know