RAW FARM's Unique ways we keep cows healthy and THRIVING!

Mama Blaine has unique ways that she brought to RAW FARM to keep our cows thriving and healthful! We don’t believe in using antibiotics or hormones. We don’t believe in the conventional ways to treat cows. We believe that cows need to be treated wholesomely and naturally, using food as medicine.


One of the great ways we keep our cows nourished throughout the year is by giving them a natural source of vitamin C- oranges! They love it. They go crazy over oranges, and this great, natural source of vitamin c helps them have a healthy immune system. The oranges are organic, non-GMO, and locally sourced.


This is the most important item on the farm for treating cows who are feeling sick or need an immune boost. When I (mama Blaine) first heard about garlic tincture, I didn’t know what it was, or that I could make it myself. After a google search…I have been treating my cows with it since. It is simply garlic and vodka, and it is dripped on the cow’s tongue to help with an upset stomach, a cold, or aches.


People and environmentalist say that dairy farming is bad for the environment. That simply isn’t true! Dairy farming can be great for the environment, when it is done with purpose and intention. We farm the way our ancestors have always farmed (wouldn’t they be proud?), and we are proud of it. There are no cows stuffed in pens. No cows are kept away from the lovely sunlight. Most importantly, no cows are kept away from the luscious pastures they want to graze on. At RAW FARM, our cows are free to roam throughout the year. They love being outside! When it is very hot outside, our cows have plenty of shade and places to rest away from the heat. We have covered areas on our farm where cows can spend time in the shade and eat a yummy snack. Our cows can choose when they want to eat grass (which is most of the time), and when they want to have a high-protein, non GMO snack. We are proudly a certified humane dairy farm.

We practice rotational grazing. Our cows are moved to a new area of pasture to graze on after 2-3 days. When one area has been grazed (the cows eat the most nutritious parts of the plant, and the stems are left), it is time to move the cows to a new, fresh area of pasture. They love it! It’s like a fresh salad for them! See how those girls run to the lush pasture which such happiness in their sweet eyes. This is also helpful for our farm because it gives the area that was just grazed on, time to revive and regenerate before the cows will be moved to it again in the future. Oh, it’s a process, and it works together smoothly.


Our decision to change from fully Certified Organic to Non-GMO Project VERIFIED was made in 2020. Prior to 2020, when we bought Certified Organic feed, we had difficulty sourcing feed that was not moldy or of poor quality; ironically, sometimes the organic feed would test positive for GMOs (despite being nearly twice the cost of Local Non-GMO Project VERIFIED feed sources). Sourcing organic feed is very difficult and most organic feed travels on semi-trucks from out-of-state farms, which adds EXORBITANT transport costs and creates a massive carbon footprint. It doesn’t settle well with us knowing that 80,000-pound trucks were using huge amounts of fuel, oil, tires, to move feed from multiple states away when a local Non-GMO source was available from neighbors.  It felt like we were doing more harm than good when maintaining our “organic certification status” when we had local Non-GMO Project VERIFIED sources right next door. At the end of the day, our Here is our COMMITMENT TO YOU. 



  • Use GMOS, glyphosate or other harmful spray chemicals or pesticides on our crops or cows

  • Stop our long-practiced tradition and pursuit of sustainable, regenerative and eco-friendly farming practices

  • Give our milk cows antibiotics or hormones

  • Stop using natural farming methods, even though we are no longer certified organic. 


RAW FARM is now solely Non-GMO Project VERIFIED. Our cattle feed is sourced locally and is tested to verify for GMO’s. Buying local matches our commitment to our community, a low carbon footprint, being resilient and adaptive, being a sustainable earth-friendly farm. We have a deep commitment to the pioneering spirit, ethical core values and a vision for only the BEST QUALITY Tested and Safe raw dairy products for our family of customers.





Recall was UNFOUNDED and is now LIFTED