Did you know that it is impossible for RAW FARM whole raw milk to NOT have a cream line?
Our whole raw milk is 100% unprocessed and not homogenized, unlike most milk products found in the grocery stores. Therefore, every single bottle of our whole raw milk contains raw cream. It is possible, however, to have a bottle with more cream or less cream than others.
We try our hardest to continually mix the whole milk in our tank while it is being bottled, so the cream is as evenly dispersed to all bottles. As you can understand, every single time we bottle some bottles will have a small amount more cream than others (just goes with the territory of not homogenizing). Interestingly, one of the reasons the dairy industry invented homogenization was due to the consumer frustration from the inconsistency.
With that said, we only make unprocessed, raw products. Back in the day, we used to carry raw skim milk, but today we only make whole raw milk products, including raw heavy cream, raw butter, raw kefir, and raw cheese. We know that it may be frustrating if one bottle has a small difference than the other bottle. We strive to be as considerate to the amount as possible. Nature does what it does and we as humans can try our hardest to offset the balloon-like nature of the fat (cream) to want to rise to the top of the tank when bottling.
In the above picture, it is easy to see the coffee floating on top of the whole milk, right? That is what cream looks like (separation) from whole milk (floating on top). If you add a little chocolate syrup to our whole raw milk, and let it settle overnight then you will EASILY see the cream (the cream will become a little choco colored and easier to see the “cream line”. This is a REALLY FUN science experiment to do at home.
As far as the visibility of the cream line in the bottle, you will have a slightly harder time finding our cream line. We don’t use clear bottles, which brings a benefit to blocking the bright lights in the dairy case that will make the milk sour quicker. We do this intentionally. It takes a little while (about 12-24 hours) for the cream line to “show itself” well to the looking eye.
One of the great things about a popular selling product, like our nutrient dense raw whole milk, is that it doesn’t sit on the shelf very long. It will sit on the shelf for sometimes only a few minutes before an excited customer picks it up to read or buy. When raw milk is moved around, the cream gets moved, too. When you talk to a dairy manager it isn’t unheard of that some other brands hardly move and they get MONTHLY delivery. Our brand receives weekly, sometimes 2-3x a week delivery depending on the order. We have heard from our dairy case managers that they will restock the store shelf every 15-30 minutes. It is a quickly moving item.
Our cows naturally produce raw milk that has a very high cream content, especially our Jersey cows. One of our customer-favorite products is raw heavy cream, which ONLY contains cream. There is no skim in this product and thus no cream line either, because the entire product is made of cream. During the milking process, we separate some of the raw cream from the raw milk to create the singular raw heavy cream bottles. Then, we add the raw cream back into the whole milk to ensure that our customers get exactly what they’re searching for- a creamy, nutrient dense of raw whole milk.
All in all, rest assured that every single bottle of RAW FARM whole raw milk contains the perfect amount of cream.
RAW FARM Raw Dairy Products are unprocessed and complete with bioavailable vitamins, minerals, enzymes, beneficial bacteria, naturally occurring CLA and omega-3 fatty acids. Our truly happy cows grass graze on luscious green pasture, seasonally. Absolutely NO antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides, or GMO anything. Customers with lactose sensitivities have a delicious, nutritious, and natural alternative in this unaltered, wholesome product. The ease of digestibility of raw milk gives those that experience discomfort with processed dairy products, a delicious and natural option (isn’t that amazing).